Arabella May
Featured in
2 photosets
17 videos
Arabella May is a real party mouse. She started out as a strip dancer before working as a party girl and porn actress. For all major producers, she stood for "normal" hardcore productions in front of the camera, before she - with Uschi Haller film production - even for "extreme" productions in front of the camera, which she was obviously fun. After she had no more challenges for her, she hung up her panties and returned to husband and stoker.
- Sex:
- female
- Available for shooting:
- no
- Website:
- Twitter:
- UschiHaller
- Hair color:
- blonde
- Weight:
- 63 kg
- Height:
- 1.72 meters (ca. 5β²8β³)
- Size of dress:
- 38 (according to EU standard)
- Size of bra:
- 80D