Alexa Gold
Featured in
10 photosets
70 videos
Alexa Gold was supposed to represent a US American film production in Europe. As a real party girl, she was supposed to inspire the party film industry again under her name. First, Alexa Gold quickly made a name for herself in Germany as a gang bang party girl and produced numerous films with her. After the name Alex Gold was known in Germany, the filming of their own series should begin.
But with the beginning of their film series "Apocalypse Alexa" there were first problems that had a negative impact on further cooperation. After a two-and-a-half-year collaboration, the roads parted and Alexa disappeared completely from the scene.
- Sex:
- female
- Available for shooting:
- no
- Website:
- Twitter:
- AlexaGold69
- Eye color:
- blue-green
- Hair color:
- blonde
- Height:
- 1.58 meters (ca. 5β²2β³)
- Size of dress:
- 33 (according to EU standard)
- Size of bra:
- 70B