Adrienne Kiss
Featured in
10 videos
The amateur actress and party girl from Troisdorf travels through Germany to take part in gangbang parties. She regularly shoots small film clips for various amateur portals and offers them for sale on the portals. Adrienne Kiss only shoots with a condom, so we're all the more pleased that she made an exception for us and that AO acted in front of the camera. And so a film was created that shows what it looks like when Adrienne Kiss sperm runs out of her mouth and pussy.
- Sex:
- female
- Available for shooting:
- no
- Website:
- Email address:
- Twitter:
- UschiHaller
- Hair color:
- dark-brown
- Height:
- 1.54 meters (ca. 5′1″)
- Size of dress:
- 38 (according to EU standard)
- Size of bra:
- 75D