Mia Bang
Featured in
8 videos
For a short time, Mia Bang's star shone brightly in the porn sky. However, a series of misjudgments meant that she was unable to assert herself, even though she met all the requirements for a meteoric career. There is no further information about Mia Bang.
Anal, Bukkake, Blowjob, Deep Throat, GangBang, Pee, Oral, Cum Swallow
- Sex:
- female
- Available for shooting:
- no
- Website:
- https://linktr.ee/uschihaller
- Twitter:
- UschiHaller
- Hair color:
- dark-brown
- Height:
- 1.70 meters (ca. 5β²7β³)
- Size of dress:
- 38 (according to EU standard)
- Size of bra:
- 75C