Maja Gold
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2 photosets
4 videos
As a party girl Maja Gold caused a sensation all over Germany. When she then went to the camera as a porn actress, she was within a very short time the shooting star in the scene. The only 160 cm tall Maja convinced the men by their natural lust and their incredible urge to fuck hard and persevering. As a three-hole mare she also brought the best conditions for it. As a porn actress, she can be seen in gangbang films and in harder fetish films in addition to Gang Bang films.
Today Maja lives as a wife and moth.. a civil life.
- Available for shooting:
- no
- Website:
- Email address:
- Twitter:
- UschiHaller
- Hair color:
- blonde
- Height:
- 1.60 meters (ca. 5β²3β³)
- Size of bra:
- 75C