Chubby Britta
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4 videos
At the time of her sex orgy, Britta was 31 years old and lived with her husband in the Darmstadt area. As an active swinger, she regularly visits swinger clubs, although she has also taken other paths into account. In total, she took part in two filmed gang bang parties. Britta is naturally horny and just the right woman for men who like chubby women.
We have no further information about Britta.
Anal, Bukkake, Fisting, GangBang, Oral,
- Sex:
- female
- Available for shooting:
- no
- Website:
- Email address:
- Twitter:
- UschiHaller
- Hair color:
- dark-brown
- Height:
- 1.58 meters (ca. 5β²2β³)
- Size of dress:
- 46 (according to EU standard)
- Size of bra:
- 90B